suicide note or suicide no?

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It's a suicide no for me. No one needs suicide it isn't the answer in whatsoever situation. Lately have been hearing news about how teenagers and adults end their lives over one reason or the other. For teenagers the cause of this might be depression or not being strong enough mentally or emotionally to handle a rough situation you find yourself in. Reading about some cases of suicide among teenagers I found out that those who did it( may they rest in peace) didn't really need to use suicide as an answer. It breaks my heart to see that people actually think of suicide but I won't blame you cus sometimes you might not think about it, it just happens.

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   As for the adults your reason might be really personal or maybe just giving up on life well they always say when there's life there's hope so why give up. Now this is to every one, you think you have it bad someone might have it worse, you think you have it worse someone might be currently dying and wishing they don't die.  Now think about this, when you commit the suicide where do you think you're going? Somewhere filled with milk and honey and where all your dreams come true no!
    When you die that's it you not going somewhere you'd find malls or people who'd make you smile or laugh, you not going to a comfortable bed where you'd sleep for eternity no! You going somewhere worse that what you thought life was.
   Life isn't fair sure but suicide isn't the answer. If there's anything making you think about suicide get it off your chest, talk to someone, surround yourself with happy people, stay away from toxic people, run away from the thought mentally. Suicide isn't the answer! Don't leave no damn note! Don't make someone who loves you so much cry, there's always a way out. Talk to someone you know would help you out, your family or close friend or comment and I'll help you too let's save lives!
     Stay happy, clear those thoughts, you matter to someone, Suicide isn't the answer                                    
Image result for gifs stay safe

