I hope I'm not the only one that isn't as hyped as other people who are but the problem is, it's not that I don't want to be, I just feel sad and happy at different hours each time and New year's eve last year I cried real hard I don't know why but I did and it wasn't from joy😂. So it's okay if you don't feel as excited as other people because you're normal too and before the year runs out it'll get better. WELCOME TO 2020!

Some people already have their lives planned out and I really hope they stick to it because let's face it it won't come very easy. To all my loyal readers of my blog thank you very much for reading my posts from this platform and I really intend to get better this year. I'm talking about consistent substantial posts when I can because my school schedule might shake me, the probability of moving to a new site or owning my own website because I feel this is kind of mediocre, going out because I'm getting old and one of my fears of going out is because I'm scared I'd die, crossing my comfort zone and a whole lot others.

I want to reassure you that not knowing what you want to do yet is fine, seeing others plan big moves and yours looks like it's small IS FINE because those are your big wins, that if you subscribe to this blog it would make me very happy and that sharing all my posts this 2020 would actually make my whole year. I plan on making this blog big this year and it begins with a name change to the blog if you support or oppose the motion please comment down below with your suggestions for a new name or why I shouldn't change it. I'd be taking sponsorships and business deals a whole lot this year so e-mail me for your various promotions at lucktheteen@gmail.com
Let's make memories this year okay. See you in my next post where I'd be discussing some of the challenges I want to try this year. Share and subscribe💙
Some people already have their lives planned out and I really hope they stick to it because let's face it it won't come very easy. To all my loyal readers of my blog thank you very much for reading my posts from this platform and I really intend to get better this year. I'm talking about consistent substantial posts when I can because my school schedule might shake me, the probability of moving to a new site or owning my own website because I feel this is kind of mediocre, going out because I'm getting old and one of my fears of going out is because I'm scared I'd die, crossing my comfort zone and a whole lot others.
I want to reassure you that not knowing what you want to do yet is fine, seeing others plan big moves and yours looks like it's small IS FINE because those are your big wins, that if you subscribe to this blog it would make me very happy and that sharing all my posts this 2020 would actually make my whole year. I plan on making this blog big this year and it begins with a name change to the blog if you support or oppose the motion please comment down below with your suggestions for a new name or why I shouldn't change it. I'd be taking sponsorships and business deals a whole lot this year so e-mail me for your various promotions at lucktheteen@gmail.com
Let's make memories this year okay. See you in my next post where I'd be discussing some of the challenges I want to try this year. Share and subscribe💙
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