Am I blind now?

It is Fridayyy. Well basically I didn't have any class from Tuesday to Thursday but then you can't compare those days to a Friday.  So, ladies and gentlemen welcome to the usual short weekend.
Image result for its friday

 Let me just give you a quick update before I tell you what April is about.

On Monday I had a class but then I started having birthday behaviour towards Tuesday because it was my birthday  Image result for birthday  . Although it didn't totally suck that day( thank you mum,dad,sister,brothers and everyone who cared genuinely)  I guess I over expected which got to me a little. Wednesday was your typical weekday oh wait no..went out with my dad and brothers for something official and can I just say that having people who love you is amazing. Then came Thursday with the reality that I had a class today but I had a meeting before the class( that's right people I'm a working lady*cha-ching*)showed up a bit late for the class just a tiny bit..
 Related image but I made it stayed through class before coming back and then you know here I am  for the blog post of the week. Hope you enjoyed the update and if you haven't already guessed it April is for STORY-TIME here on the blog so throughout the Fridays in this month  it is just going to be a bunch of embarassing,funny,scary stories for you to enjoy.
 Image result for storytime gif I'll open the floor with a story of mine. I don't know which to begin with because there's a lot that has happened but let me tell you about the time I almost lost my eye, yes almost lost my eye. Well it was a Saturday and I had just done my usual morning routine and all then my mum and I made food and it was time to eat. It was rice with chicken and I was so eager to eat because it was like past twelve and I made the food so..gatta taste it. There I was enjoying the rice and then I decide to eat my chicken and may I remind you that my chicken looked like this  Related image. So happy to finally crunch the meat and  people of the internet I had no idea of how this chicken was positioned but I knew I was about to take a bite out the meaty side. The chicken was covered in stew and don't you forget that stew is made with pepper so as I'm about to bite the meaty side the pointed edge went STRAIGHT into my eye. I mean stabbed, jabbed, chooked, entered MY EYE. I was scared I thought I had burst it that was the end I'd be telling my kids I lost my eye to a chicken??? I ran to wash my eye but then I couldn't open it up for like 20 minutes then I really concluded that I had just destroyed my eye. Eventually I opened it, it was red and dripping water and I think I gave myself a mark in it because sometimes I stare into my eye and I see like this small black mark but I am so grateful it turned out fine because I decided I AM NEVER EATING THAT SHAPE OF CHICKEN AGAIN!
Hope you enjoyed my story because it was so fun to tell๐Ÿ˜—
If you want to share your story send an e-mail to lucktheteen@gmail.com๐Ÿ’Ÿ
Follow on Instagram @lucktheteentheblog๐Ÿ’ƒ
Stay positive๐Ÿ’š
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I love you plus giveaway coming soon๐Ÿ’…๐Ÿ’…
Image result for chicken bye


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