If you have been anticipating my next post after the last one just comment down below because you are amazing and I'm about to shower you with love.
If you're new here and you haven't heard about my blog welcome my friend, look around and make sure you check out my previous post because it has a hidden secret.
Today you can look at it like I have come to "Iyanla save my life" sort of thing because I'm sure most of you had plans for 2019 and we're almost at the end but it is not going so well. No, do not expect that this is going to be a motivational speech where in the end you'd be motivated for like 5hours but go right to being unmotivated because I need saving too lol. I'm just going to try and drop like little words of advice if you had plans for 2019 and maybe use myself as an example..maybe.
I love you for clicking and I would see you when I can.💓

Welcome one, welcome all to my inconsistent blog posting life hehe. This inconsistency might I add is because of school and my empty bank account and also sort of no ideas on what to write but I can't just leave my loyal readers hanging but enough about me how have you all been?. It is almost 2020 and in BSIMONE'S voice "I'm sinnggllleeeee"🎶 but we stan an independent woman lol.

Today you can look at it like I have come to "Iyanla save my life" sort of thing because I'm sure most of you had plans for 2019 and we're almost at the end but it is not going so well. No, do not expect that this is going to be a motivational speech where in the end you'd be motivated for like 5hours but go right to being unmotivated because I need saving too lol. I'm just going to try and drop like little words of advice if you had plans for 2019 and maybe use myself as an example..maybe.
- DON'T GIVE UP: You can also give up if it was an extreme goal I mean there's always next year haha. If however it's something you can still try and achieve this year how about you give it one more try and if it doesn't work out well you tried but don't regret it later on New year's eve then run to a secret place to cry because you kind of won't have anyone else to blame at that point. I'm sending love and light dear.
- FAKE IT: I honestly thought you could do this but it doesn't work everytimeðŸ˜. One of my goals this year was to improve my self-esteem and I set a countdown for it on my Instagram(no longer a secret now lol) in like January and I completely forgot about it till like June when I saw it and I was sad because it wasn't really going well lol. Has my self-esteem increased? I'm working on it...Do I fake it? sometimes maybe but when I imagine I'm with the body of Rihanna and the confidence of Lizzo, I'm dangerous. Don't do that though lmao be confident in your own skin but then again...Rihanna is a queen😂.
- SEE YOU ON THE OTHER SIDE: Now after following these steps, you should be able to shout "Happy New Year" with your full chest because you did it and now you can plan again for 2020 and procrastinate till the end. Love you dear.
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