I can't believe it's August already. Can you believe it's August already? Phew no pressure no pressure but what!?? Just like that! I hope you've achieved your plans for 2019 so far though. If you're new or old here please subscribe to the blog and also comment and share.
Since it's August and it's kind of summer for us in Nigeria (those in school Pele) I'm going to give you a list of some events you can crash this summer and have fun.. Probably.
Let it be known at this point that I don't go out so no I don't know how the previous events were like before this one all I can say is if you don't want to go for this event you can attend it online through people's Instagram stories. To know more about this event you can search for it on Instagram or call the number on the picture by the side in yellow.
Just as the name says, it's going to be a night of poetry from various artists. If you're a poet addict this is one of your doses, an event that would definitely make you feel like you can rule the world. Go grab your tickets now because I heard it's running out and you wouldn't want to miss this. Besides, the banner looks so nice imagine how the event would be so call the number there for more enquiries.
This one I have never heard of but hey who says you can't crash it? Admission is free and it's happening in 3 days! If you squint really hard you can see the location for the event. From the title I'd like to believe it's going to teach the youths more about their rights with a sprinkle of art isn't that something? If you don't have anywhere to be in the next 3 days I'd recommend you go and find out more about your right at this event.
And lastly on today's list is this loud event. Like you can feel it screaming through the screen, this one is happening later this month and ticket costs are boldly written on there so yeahh... If you want to feast and also BEATS!!!!!!! Save up because this is the event for you.

If you feel like the events mentioned above do not fit your style then wait up for part 2 where you could probably find something right. Remember to stay safe when you go for these events and also go with a friend if you're unsure about it. Take water, emergency umbrella, lots of snacks(because the snacks there might be too expensive youknowwhati'msaying?) and whatever you feel is essential should be taken along, have fun and make it a summer to always remember. Comment down below some events you feel should be up here and also share this post,subscribe and check out my previous post if you haven't.
From me to you,
Have a lovely weekend💜
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