This road is a walk of confidence one those teenagers suffering from low self-esteem should take a stroll on. Self discovery of self beauty is a wonderful thing imagine going from "I hate my body ,I look so fat am ugly" to "I look gorgeous and wow am this pretty" it won't be that easy of course.
Honestly to my understanding some of these low self-esteem teenagers are results of childhood abuse or past traumas or psychological problems. But I believe it can all be countered it might not be easy or it isn't easy at all trust me. I suddenly realized we all have to realize this self beauty because those people we see on social medias that look amazing probably tell that to themselves also before posting a selfie for you to droll over. You might not look as amazing as they do because some have gone though face lifts and lip fillings internal injections who knows and it might just be that some are naturally blessed with such beauty but do you know why it's because they boosted themselves everyday turning that "eek I hate these spots sob a stretch mark or my stomach fat or whatever" to "my spots makes my face so cute e.t.c"

Am not saying am overly confident myself but am learning to love myself more freeing myself from that low self-esteem gibberish to someone who can proudly say I don't care what they say am beautiful because to be honest some of us who call ourselves ugly need to be slapped in the face.
How about you fit your extra rolls into a pretty gown that just makes you so gorgeous you automatically fall in love with yourself or you just make ourselves happy by taking random pictures of yourself and just admire the most prettiest of them in it all. Am sure some of you reading this might have probably seen talks like this elsewhere or quotes about it too which is good because it needs to be voiced out but mine specially goes to those low self-esteem teenagers or adults as well that might be reading this i want you to know that you're beautiful open your eyes, get yourself a mirror, make yourself happy, smile it might just be your selling point. We are all in this together as we walk through the road to self discovery of self beauty
If you feel you need to glow up with some bomb ass gowns or accessories or shoes or shirts(you get the picture) click on the links below and have fun shopping to what will suit your taste

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