Hey hey heyyyy, It's Fridayyyy. I apologize for today's late post and future late posts because I don't have free Fridays any more and school has been well..occupying. So I hope you're excited because March is going to be all about INSPIRATION.

Yes y'all I'm becoming an inspirational teacher for the entire Friday in March of course with the help of some other people because I kinda suck at it lol. And for today I'm going to be talking about SELF-CONFIDENCE that which I don't have *coughs*
Personally to me, self confidence is really beautiful like for example when you're walking down the street alone and you just don't care about staring eyes or when you stand in front of a crowd and you don't care if you stutter or when you wear something different and you JUST DON'T CARE because you're that confident I find that really beautiful. Now how do I get to that stage really because I need that lol. Okay I have few tips that might help and I need to heed to also because....it's necessary.
My tip number 1: Start small. The little things boost up the meter like for example, the walking alone thing try listening to music or be on a call with someone, the talking in front of a huge crowd you can start with a small group of known friends or the wearing something different and not caring because you don't need to.😏
My tip number 2: Try new things. Like go out of your comfort zone, you didn't use to talk before then say a word, you didn't use to have friends then get one, you didn't use to go out then get ice-cream and lick in your room?
My tip number 3: Google some of those challenges and try them like the 30days own or 10days own they should help a bit because they'd prescribe a step by step process for you just in case you're stuck somewhere.
And finally, believe you can become confident because if you don't you never will really and I know it's not easy honestly I know but if you don't get it now when will you because opportunities might keep passing you by so honey JUST DO IT.
So beautiful people, that's all I can help with for now because I'm still a work in progress so don't forget to ask for help or google for help whichever works for you better. Don't forget it's every Friday and also my birthday is soon and my birthday wish list is somewhere within my previous posts so find it and surprise me *wink wink*
This could help
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I know you'd get confident💛
I still love you💓
More late posts coming your way *sksksk*

Yes y'all I'm becoming an inspirational teacher for the entire Friday in March of course with the help of some other people because I kinda suck at it lol. And for today I'm going to be talking about SELF-CONFIDENCE that which I don't have *coughs*

My tip number 1: Start small. The little things boost up the meter like for example, the walking alone thing try listening to music or be on a call with someone, the talking in front of a huge crowd you can start with a small group of known friends or the wearing something different and not caring because you don't need to.😏
My tip number 2: Try new things. Like go out of your comfort zone, you didn't use to talk before then say a word, you didn't use to have friends then get one, you didn't use to go out then get ice-cream and lick in your room?
My tip number 3: Google some of those challenges and try them like the 30days own or 10days own they should help a bit because they'd prescribe a step by step process for you just in case you're stuck somewhere.
And finally, believe you can become confident because if you don't you never will really and I know it's not easy honestly I know but if you don't get it now when will you because opportunities might keep passing you by so honey JUST DO IT.

So beautiful people, that's all I can help with for now because I'm still a work in progress so don't forget to ask for help or google for help whichever works for you better. Don't forget it's every Friday and also my birthday is soon and my birthday wish list is somewhere within my previous posts so find it and surprise me *wink wink*
This could help
Share please❤
I know you'd get confident💛
I still love you💓
More late posts coming your way *sksksk*

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